Sunday, February 21, 2016

Growing a Farmer - Second Reflection

Growing a Farmer by Kurt Timmermeister is quite an interesting book.  I usually do not get to read too many books, but I enjoyed to read Timmermeister’s story – the personal story on how he became a farmer.  I was mesmerized to read how Timmermeister fulfilled his dream and decided to do in life what he had passion for, which made me look at life in a different perspective.  Even though Timmermeister knew that it will be a big change in life in order for him to follow his passion, he was still determined to reach his goal.  When I read the first half of the book it was obvious to see that Timmermeister made a life change due to his passion.  However, while reading into the second half of the book it made me understand that in addition to his passion, he also had in mind to become a successful businessman.  This was quite confusing to me as I do not perceive farmers as business people.

When reading a book, it is important to me to learn something from it.  I was glad to read and learn about things which I have not heard or read before – and therefore I learned.  For example, what rational grazing is and why it is being used by farmers.  I also enjoyed to read the raw milk chapter as there are things about milk which I did not know before.  For instance, Timmermeister mentioned that after a cow is milked, the milk must be chilled to below forty degrees within two hours.

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