Thursday, April 28, 2016

A World We Dare To Imagine - Part 3

The mission of my organization is to decrease the number of people living in poverty - but the ultimate goal is to eradicate poverty from our world.  This is why I decided to call my organization "The DH Poverty Eradication Foundation."  My organization will work from day to day towards our goal.  We will reach out to people all around the world to receive support for our foundation.  We believe that our interest is a shared interest for humanity, and there should not be people who would be against the idea of eliminating poverty.  One of our ideas is to make a well respected person in the world - who for instance could be a business mogul or a former president - to be a chairman of our foundation.  

People tend to be more interested and give more attention to an organization if they know or have heard off a person that is on the board of the organization.  In addition, we seek active government members to be part of our board as well.  We believe that with the help of the government members - who could be part of any governmental body - to bring the poverty topic back on the table and to request government officials to make plans and take action to eliminate poverty.  But this is not all.  We will also reach out to famous athletes around the world to gain their support and to use their popularity for our interests.  

My organization will be unique as it will constantly look for new ways to eradicate poverty.  We are well aware of the fact that part of eliminating poverty is to raise substantial funds.  These funds are needed to make sure that people living under poverty will be given food and nobody in the world will die any longer from starvation.  But does poverty just mean hunger or starvation?  The answer is no.  Poverty goes well beyond hunger and starvation.  Many people living under poverty have a poor or no education at all.  In addition, people who have no shelter are also considered to be under poverty.

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