Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A World We Dare To Imagine

I had many issues crossing my mind when I was starting to think how the world can be improved.  There are so many problems in our world that need to be addressed.  For instance, global warming, wars, water drought, HIV, and the list goes on.  However, there is one problem in this world that always bothered me and it is one of my greatest wishes to see it being eliminated - poverty.  It is very sad for me to know that there is people in this world who do not have enough food, and die due to starvation.  I know that a great number of the wealthiest people in the world make vast financial contributions in an attempt to eliminate poverty - and I am thankful for that.  Unfortunately, this is not sufficient.  More non profit organizations need to be created and more capital needs to be raised to address the issue of poverty.  The world needs to realize that more actions need to be taken.


  1. Hi Daniel, I have same worry with you about poverty in the world. I think the best way to change the poverty is improve education and make as more as possible people get better education. So they can get a better job.

  2. Indeed, poverty is one of the biggest challenges in our world. Many programs are created to address this issue. Many people have good intentions but cannot find a way to do more. I personally don't think poverty could be eradicate. Even rich nations face the same problem, I suggest doing something towards the most vulnerable like kids, orphans. I do believe that every grown up could do something, any kind of work. Another suggestion will be to think about how to make people learn to do something, how to create and reach a certain autonomy.

  3. Coming from developing country, I have seen some of the worst slums in the world. It was devastating to see people living with extreme poverty. They could not even afford basic necessities in life - food, clothing, and shelter. It's such a relief seeing more and more non-profit organizations are being established. Let's hope that one day, the income inequality gap can be reduced.

  4. I agree that poverty is one of the largest issues facing human kind currently. I wish there was a solution - easy or hard. I agree with you that creating more NGO's or Non-Profits would help accomplish the reduction of poverty, and I believe educating our population of the perils other communities are experiencing will result in more of these organizations being created.
